Manage different roles within your tournament including Tournament Admin, Tournament Judge, and Tabulation Admin.
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Role Management
Assign Roles Within Your Tournament
Manage different roles within your tournament on the staff tab. Roles include Tournament Admin, Tournament Judge, and Tournament Tabulator, each with specific permissions and responsibilities.
Staff Assignment
Add Community Members to Tournament Roles
Tournament Admins can add people from their community to the tournament and assign them to different roles at any time during the event, providing flexibility in staff management.
Judge Assignment
Assign Judges to Officiate Postings
Tournament Admins have the ability to assign enrolled judges to specific postings, ensuring that each round has the necessary officiants.
Ballot Assistance
Support Judges in Real-Time
Tournament Admins can provide assistance to judges as they fill out their ballots, watching their progress in real-time to offer guidance and support when needed.
Judge Filters
Track Judge Availability, Progress, and Workload
Various filters for judges display information such as the rounds they have selected for their availability and the number of ballots each judge has completed for the tournament, allowing admins to monitor judge participation and workload.
Tabulation Access
Review Results with Tabulators
The Tabulation role grants access to the tabulation screen, allowing designated individuals to review tournament results. All admins also have access to this screen for oversight purposes.
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