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Speech & Debate Ballots
Speech & Debate Ballots
Meet Ballots that are designed for each event type featuring itemized scoring, rubrics, and event-specific fields to ensure thorough evaluations from judges.
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Clearer Evaluations
Itemized Ballots
Guide judges with line-item ballots that include rubrics and overviews, making the evaluation process clearer and more consistent.
Speech Ballot Features
Speech Ballots with Extra Fields
Improve tabulation by including fields for topic, speech time, and script use on speech ballots.
Easily Visualize Speakers
Switch Between List & Grid Views
Manage a scoring a large number of speakers with by switching between list and grid views, with list view allowing you to quickly see and rank all speakers in one place.
Debate Ballot Features
Provide Detailed Reasons for Decisions
Help students learn and grow by selecting the winning team and providing a detailed rationale for your decision that they can review and learn from.
Elegant Ballots
Transform your tournaments with elegant ballots.
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