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Live Stream Layouts
Flexible layout options
Flexible layout options for various debate formats and participant roles. Easily arrange speakers in the spotlight, bringing a clear focus on the active participants while keeping the rest of the team visible.
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Flexible Tile Arrangement
Intuitive Speaker Placement
Enable every participant to customize the live stream layout. By selecting a user's tile and choosing "assign to," users can move to any tile, including the center tiles, allowing for a dynamic and adaptable debate viewing experience.
One Speaker Layout
Ideal for Announcements and Solo Speech Events
Utilize the one speaker layout to give a single speaker the center stage. Perfect for delivering announcements or showcasing individual speech events, this layout places the primary speaker in the middle while positioning the other participants at the top of the screen.
Two Speaker Layout
Perfect for Duo Interpretation and Lincoln Douglas Debates
Showcase two speakers in the center with the two speaker layout. This arrangement is ideal for duo interpretation events and Lincoln Douglas debates, as it places both speakers in the center of the screen, ensuring equal focus on their performances. The remaining participants are displayed at the top, maintaining their visibility.
Four Speaker Layout
Optimized for Policy Debate Events
By positioning four speakers in the center of the screen, this arrangement ensures that all key participants are prominently featured. The remaining team members are displayed at the top, allowing for easy reference and participation when needed.
Live Stream Layouts
Flexible layout options for various debate formats let you customize your live stream experience.
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