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User Profiles
Create a social and interactive experience within your debate community by providing each user with a personalized profile.
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Comprehensive User Information
Detailed Profiles for Every User
User profiles include full names, usernames, profile pictures, gender, experience, community affiliation, and participant category, providing a complete overview of each member.
Accessible Contact Information
Easily Reach Out to Community Members
Admins can view the contact information for anyone within the community on their profile, making it simple to get in touch with users during tournament days.
Admin Profile Editing
Maintain Accurate User Records
Admins have the ability to edit other users' profiles and fill out all of their information, which is valuable for record-keeping purposes.
Comprehensive Ballot Archive
Access Ballots from User Profiles
All ballots a judge or student has ever completed or received are stored on their profile under the ballots tab, creating a collective archive. Admins can easily view any user's ballots from their profile.
Integrated User Profiles
User Profiles Throughout the Platform
Profiles are utilized throughout the platform, including on postings and ballots, making it easy to reference a student or judge from anywhere within the system.
Community Profiles
Increase social interaction and maintain accurate user records within your community.
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