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Community Leaderboards
Showcase your community's best competitors with leaderboards, updated instantly after each tournament.
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Real-Time Leaderboard Updates
Instant Recognition for Top Performers
The community leaderboard updates immediately after a tournament concludes, assigning total points to all participants who have competed in your community's tournaments.
Podium Spotlight
Showcase the Top 3 Contestants
The top 3 contestants are prominently featured on the podium, so everyone can see and celebrate their achievements.
Admin Leaderboard Controls
Customizable Leaderboard Display
Admins can control the percentage of the leaderboard visible to other members and view the full leaderboard by clicking "View All." Scores are calculated based on the number of tournaments competed, tournament size, and the student's rank in each tournament.
Event-Specific Leaderboards
Leaderboards for Every Event
Each event your community has run will have its own leaderboard. If you prefer not to enable leaderboards for a specific event, simply set its visibility to 0.
Social Leaderboards
Celebrate your community's top performers and best competitors.
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